
Showing posts from February, 2012

It's Official!

Our oldest has her drivers license !!!!! It took exactly one year to accomplished but it's done now! I went and picked her up from school early yesterday (10am), one year after getting her permit. We tried doing the parent-taught but she was having trouble grasping the concept. So we enrolled her into Austin Driving School where she could be with other kids her age. Our school district offered the classroom phase but not the behind-the-wheel phase. It was a long process but worth the extra time and money. She was extremely nervous and I was for her. She ACED the parallel parking, the instructor took 1 point off for not using her signal. All said and done and she did an AMAZING job, her score was 27 out of 30! We're SO proud of her! After the test, her and I had a chance to go out to lunch (which hardly happens) and enjoy each others company. I have learned to treasure our time together. When she was younger, I thought I had allot of time left. Well, now I've c...

"I'm In Cake Heaven"

I figured something out that's extremely cool! I can add "tabs" to my blog! I know most of you already know how, I'm a little slow catching on :o) So please check out my "I'm In Cake Heaven" tab! Thanks!!!! If your needing a cake for that special occasion, I'm your gal! I specialize in Birthday, Baby Shower, Graduation, and Anniversary cakes. I have yet to do a wedding cake but that is in my future! Just drop me a message with your request and I will get back with you! Blessings and Love, Hollie

"Praying for Your Husband"

I strive daily to lift my husband in prayer because it's very important to me. It helps our relationship as one and my personal relationship with Christ. God has placed him as leader of our family and home, it can be extremely heavy most times. I'm so thankful for his dedication for our marriage, our children and our walk with Christ. As you all know, Satan attacks each one of us constantly! He's very good at what he does too! Sometimes way too good! Prayer, scripture reading and more prayer are the most important way to keep him at a distance! I came across this on a ladies blog and LOVED it so much that I personalized it for Rob's needs. One of the most important jobs as a wife is to lift her husband up in daily prayer. So please feel free to copy and make your own changes. God Bless! My prayer for you, is that God works in your heart to pray for your husband as well, if you don't already. With the divorce rate at a high, prayer is needed more than ever...

Check this out.....beautiful!

God's gift to us in living color!

Give Your Life to God While There's Still Time


Church Body

Would you please stand in agreement with me and my family as we pray for God's healing hand to cover us? We've been seeking and searching for just the right church body, with like minded people for a couple of years now. We almost gave up hope for ever finding anything! I'm not saying we've found the perfect one, because that just doesn't exist. However, I do think this is where God wants us to be. It's a small country church with about 100 or less members. The kids like it, Rob likes it and so do I. We've visited the last two Sunday's and this past Wednesday night. There's a mixture of older and younger generations. One of a few things I like about this church body is that they don't want to be in debt! The current building they have, took 6-7 years to build. They built as they received the funds to build. They owe nothing! That's almost unheard of these days! Rob, the kids and I have been in prayer daily, seeking God's wisdom in...


As posted yesterday, I will be taking the GED test soon. After talking with Rob, we've decided that April the 11th is best. I have a tutor to help and 7 weeks to study. My main focus is the Mathematics part, which is my weak area. Please be in prayer on my behalf as I am struggling with this. This is HUGE for me and I'm totally trusting in the Lord. Thank you all for the encouragement and prayers. I will keep you posted. Blessings and Love, Hollie

Are you kidding me?! What is happening to our country?!

It really makes me sad to see that our government continues to over take our freedoms! We've given them so much more power than what their suppose to have! What ever happened to "WE THE PEOPLE"and our government serving us instead of the other way around. Our founding fathers would just be sick about this! 4-year-old North Carolina girl whose home-packed lunch was deemed unsuitable by an inspector at her school . Blessings and Love, Hollie


Yes, it can be very dangerous! At this moment I have three very important goals/accomplishments to complete or be apart of.   1. Take the GED test and pass it! (I quit school after my first born, almost 18 years ago) I took the test back in 2007 and aced everything but the Math, missed it by 30 points. Never went back, fear of failing again. But not anymore, I've allowed satan to keep that for far too long! I have to face him head on and win this. God's won this for me already, I just have to take what is already mine!  2. Help Our 1st with getting her drivers license. She's already taking the class room phase, behind the wheel phase, now it's testing time! We've put it off long enough.... 3. Watching our oldest daughter get her High School diploma in May! She will be the first in our family. Rob quit school as well but did the smart thing, got his GED right away. We're SO proud of her! Hard to believe she's graduating this year! I have so much m...

Manhattan Declaration

This came to me in a email from a friend of a friends brother :o) What a great way for your voice to be heard! So far they have over 500,000 signatures! God is working in mighty ways through His believers! About two years ago, Barbara and I were privileged to be two of the original signers of the Manhattan Declaration , along with other Christian leaders, such as Chuck Colson, Dr. James Dobson and Kay Arthur. This important document outlines God’s plan for three matters of eternal significance: the sanctity of life, the dignity of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and religious liberty. Barbara and I both believe signing the document is one of the most important things we’ve ever done. I would strongly encourage you to sign this declaration and make a stand for spiritual liberties and rights of conscience. Like all who have signed this important document, we signed it as individuals and not on behalf of FamilyLife. I’m writing today to ask you to read the...

A Wonderful 57 Years

To Vicki and her family: Yesterday was a sad but grand day. You see death/cancer took a dear friend but God has her in His loving arms in heaven now! We paid our respects to a very dear friend; Vicki, who like so many, life was cut short because of cancer. She was so young; only 57 years old. She had so much more living to do. Grand-children to love, watch grow, party with, celebrate for and make many more memories! She had a beautiful service. Many family and friends gathered to honor and remember her love and passion for family, friends, and life. It was such a great honor to have been apart of her last 6 years. I met Vicki in July of 2006 at my best friends house for Independence Day. You see, she's my best friends, husband's mother. And my best friend and her husband are my children's god-parents; making Vicki my children's god-grandmother. What a blessing! So she was very important to our family! When the family first heard that she had cancer, the docto...

Viewing and Memorial

As I type this, Vicki's family and friends are gathered together for her viewing from 5pm-7pm tonight. This may sound selfish but Rob and I don't attend viewings. I want to remember that loved one when they were alive. I've been extremely sick this week. Went to the doctor on Tuesday and found that I had the flu and sinus infection. Why this week? My bff needs me! I've been resting, on meds and Lord willing I can at least show up for Vicki's memorial tomorrow at 2pm. Please continue to be in prayer for Vicki's family. Blessings and Love, Hollie

Heaven Bound

It is with a heavy heart to share that our sweet Vicki went to be with our Father last night about 11:30pm. My heart is SO sad! She fought a good fight and is now in the Lord's arms claiming her victory! Please be in prayer for her family as they try their best to move on without her. Thank you all and God bless! Blessings and Love, Hollie

Blind Quilter

We could learn SO much from this SWEET lady! God is SO GOOD!

Give Us Freedom

God's Got Us Covered!

I love sharing things that I get either by email, searching, reading from the Word or just life in general. My Uncle sent this to me this morning in an email and it convicted and touched my heart all at the same time! I don't work out of the home but I still struggle probably even more so. I'm alone about 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. My mind wonders, doubts, questions and makes stuff up. I know that these things are NOT of God but Satan! I really needed this....thanks Uncle Bill!  May this bless your day as well. Me   (in a tizzy): God, can I ask you something?   GOD : Sure.   Me:   Promise you won't get mad?   GOD : I promise.   Me   (frustrated): Why did you let so much stuff happen to me today?   GOD : What do you mean?   Me : Well I woke up late,   GOD : Yes   Me : My car took forever to start,   GOD : Okay....   Me   (growling): At lunch, they made my sandwich wrong and I had to w...

Update on Vicki

Vicki had a bad day yesterday. Her color has changed, her nail beds are darker, she's getting more forgetful, and her eyes are distant. Lord, comfort her loved ones. They give her a few days to a week at the most. Please continue to lift Vicki and her loved up in your prayers! My heart aches so! I came across this and wanted to share! How powerful! I found this from another blogger and love her blog; although she hasn't posted since January 2010. Arkansas Soaper wrote this below! It is my hope and prayer that these Scriptures will comfort, and that God will use them to sustain you. I do not know how anyone can go through such heartache and retain any sanity without the peace and love of God carrying them through it. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor ...