Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Prayers for Marriage, Parenting & Homeschooling

I came across this today as I was searching for curriculum for the kids next school year. I needed this in a bad way! We've been homeschooling our 2nd oldest for almost a month now & needless to say it's been a challenge! 

To be honest, I've allowed doubt to enter my mind more than I'd like to admit. God's retraining my mind, body, heart & soul to see the world completely different! How I've seen things done all my life, how I've done things most of my life. 

It can be very overwhelming at times! And when it is, what better way to release it to HIM then with prayer! I pray this blesses you as well! Feel free to copy and/or print these prayers, if you’d like.


I pray, Lord, that You would build my marriage, my family, and my homeschool — and that I would not try to do so on my own. 
~ Psalm 127:1 ~

Father, prepare my heart to pour out to You like water for the lives of my children.
~ Lamentations 2:19 ~

I pray that Your holy word would be on my heart and that I would teach it diligently to my children. 
~ Deuteronomy 6:6 ~

Help me, Father, not to provoke my children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of Your word.
~ Ephesians 6:4 ~

I pray that my strength in parenting and homeschooling would come from You, Lord. 
~ Philippians 4:13 ~

May Your power be perfected in my weakness, and may Your power dwell in me.
~ 2 Corinthians 12:9 ~

May I remember (on difficult days) that I have hope in You, that Your loving kindness and compassions never fail, that Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness to me! You are my portion and I have hope in You. Help me wait for You to work, to seek You earnestly instead of taking matters into my own hands.
~ Lamentations 3:21-26 ~

Lord, I pray I would have a steadfast mind and that You would keep me in perfect peace as I homeschool and as I parent, trusting You to do the work. 
~ Isaiah 26:3 ~

As decisions need to be made, I pray I will hear Your voice clearly telling me which way to walk. 
~ Isaiah 30:21 ~

I pray that I will abide in You as I homeschool and as I parent.
~ John 15:5 ~

I pray that I will tell my children about You and praise You every day!
~ Psalm 78:4 ~

Father, please equip my children, through Your word, to do every good work You call them to.
~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ~

May my children learn to work heartily at whatever task is before them, as something done for the Lord, and not for men — and may I set the example for doing this myself!
~ Colossians 3:23 ~


Blessings & Love,

Friday, January 11, 2013

A New Chapter....

Almost 10 years ago I was saved & baptized before God, my husband, family & friends. Since then the Holy Spirit has done some amazing things through me & my life. The Spirit has helped me drop addictions, look at life through spiritual goggles, truly seek His truth, & question why we (the world) do this & why we (the world) do that.

God has blessed my husband & I with four amazing children! Since my last child started school, I've felt a deep emptiness when they would get on the bus to head off to public school. Their first 5 or 6 years I was the one showing, teaching, seeking & learning with them along the way! I felt as if I no longer had a purpose! Sure when they came back to me at the end of the day I felt complete again. Waiting to hear how their day was, did they make a new friend, what did they learn? When they walked in that front door my world was complete again!

I honestly can't explain, this has been something that's been on my heart to do for over 2 years. I've prayed about it, seeked God's word, talked with friends, searched in & out, looked near & far. My heart yearned for something more! This honestly couldn't be IT?! I ached! I longed to find my purpose!

Over the years I've watched my children slowly slip away from the morals of God's word, amazing examples from the Bible, what's right & what's wrong! The world was sucking them in! There is SO much influence & peer pressure on these kids in the public system. Yes, there is allot of good but in my opinion the bad out weighs the good!

Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, & Twelfth graders are having sex with anyone & everyone, babies having babies, getting STD's (some lethal!), drugs, cutting, suicide, losing themselves! The sad thing, most parents could honestly care else! When I look at the public school system, I see satans play ground! I know that the outside world is no different!

I believe that our great grandmothers & grandmothers had it right! The mother stayed home!! Cared for the children, cared for the home, cared for the garden, did chores, & showed the children how to do it all! They learned together! I don't think God intended for the mothers to work out of the home. Our children ARE our work!

Off my soap to why I posted at all. Our family has finally decided that it's best to homeschool our children. I'm currently only homeschooling our second to the oldest, that's in 10th grade this school year. But starting next school year, I will be homeschooling the three youngest, as you may already know that our oldest graduated last year.

There is allot that I don't know but with God's guidance, word & prayer, we will do it better than the public system can! First & for most is getting our children away from the worldly view of thinking & acting! My Heavenly Father has revealed my purpose!

Please keep our children, our family & myself in your daily prayers. This will be a tough but worth every minute journey! If this is something you've felt led to it! This is our children's souls we're talking about! God trusted us to care for, show His truth, guide & love these children! On judgement day I want to be able to say, "Yes Lord, I did my best!"

Blessings & Love,