A Wonderful 57 Years

To Vicki and her family:

Yesterday was a sad but grand day. You see death/cancer took a dear friend but God has her in His loving arms in heaven now!

We paid our respects to a very dear friend; Vicki, who like so many, life was cut short because of cancer. She was so young; only 57 years old. She had so much more living to do. Grand-children to love, watch grow, party with, celebrate for and make many more memories!

She had a beautiful service. Many family and friends gathered to honor and remember her love and passion for family, friends, and life.

It was such a great honor to have been apart of her last 6 years. I met Vicki in July of 2006 at my best friends house for Independence Day. You see, she's my best friends, husband's mother. And my best friend and her husband are my children's god-parents; making Vicki my children's god-grandmother. What a blessing! So she was very important to our family!

When the family first heard that she had cancer, the doctors only gave her about a year. That was in January 2011. And she surpassed that and then some! She has always been a fighter, and she fought till the last minute! She won over so many hearts in her young life! And her life story will be shared and carried on for years to come!

Vicki, you're so special to so many and will be dearly missed! What an honor to have known you for just a short time! You did such an amazing job raising your children! What a great example you showed your 13 grand-children! You will be forever in our hearts!

Tomorrow life is not promised, so live it to the fullest! Cherish every second and soak in every memory! Hold your loved ones very close! Love one another, for God is love!

Blessings and Love,


  1. That's a beautiful tribute, Hollie. Please give our mutual friend a hug for me and tell her I'm praying for her family. Great big hugs to you all.


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