
Showing posts from December, 2011

2011....where has the time gone?!

Hard to believe that 2011 will be in our rear view mirrors! As we travel into unexpected events, memories, and milestones of 2012, I will try my best to recap each month of 2011. How God has worked His good in every situation. January : It's always nice to start fresh and new. January is always a welcome to a fresh start to try to do better, be wiser, be still and listen to God, and not make the same mistakes you did the last year. February : (1st) We dropped our insurance because we couldn't afford it! Taking a huge step in faith, that God will continue to provide. (1st-4th) The kids were out from school the first week because of an ice storm that came through. Our pipes froze for days, so we camped out at Rob's parents. So blessed to have family! (5th) Rob and I's 18th blind date anniversary was celebrated. (18th) My father died from a heart attack at the young age of 52. Didn't have a relationship with him because of my bad child hood. That's another stor...

Timely Words

Isaiah 43:16, 18-19 This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past . See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Wow, was this timely for me this morning. I have been needing to hear this and right before I read this, Hollie told me I needed to let it go on an issue we were discussing. Ya think maybe He's trying to tell me something. This is one of those things that I dearly struggle with. Spur of the moment, I get upset, angry, or whatever, then I usually let it go pretty quick (not always been that way). Where I run into problems is; hours later I start thinking about the situation again and start thinking about my own righteousness and then the problems start; bitterness, anger, resentment, etc. and then it just piles up until I'm a total mess and Satan is sitting in the back...

My Princess, I will redeem the time for you....

I bought a book back in September at the homeschooling convention, called "His Princess; Love Letters from Your King." I love it! It gives me a daily verse and then it "unwraps" that verse it such a way I would have never imagined. I read out of it daily, and most times than not, God speaks to me through this little book. Just as He does in His word, the Bible. This morning I received with an open heart and extremely thankful for Him always hearing my daily prayers! Here's what He blessed me with this morning. "I know that sometimes you look back on your life with anguish and regret-so much time wasted on things that did not matter. But take heart, My love. I am your Redeemer, and today is a new day. So start now by seeking My Plans, which are to give you hope and a future. Just as I used hardship in Joseph's life to lead him to a position of leadership, influence, and blessing, I've also called you. I will use your past to carve into your charact...

Face "less" book

So glad that we've gotten off the face"less"book. I really think that this has removed any face time that we as a society have had with each other. We sit across a room from someone and text each other instead of just talking. I know not everybody does this, but I have, and so do a lot of people. We put post up on face book that we would never say to the other person. You cannot use body language, over the internet, to dictate whether or not to continue on a discussion or whether what your saying is hurting someone else. You just get to say whatever pleases your little heart and "be damned" to anybody else or their feelings. I don't think this is how we were designed to be and no matter how hard you try not to be hateful or derogatory, you are (I am) without a doubt, out of touch with the other person on the other side of the discussion. Though sometimes this may feel like relief, it's just plain selfishness and I'm glad we're not indulging in th...

It's Done...

Why wait any longer?! I have deleted my facebook account! Lord, I ask that You give me the strength needed to do Your will. Thank You for opening my eyes once again to Your truth, giving me the strength to go through with it and allow You to lead and guide me to Your way. Mold me and make me in Your image. All I want to do is please and honor You...... Blessings and love, Hollie

No More Facebooking....

This coming Friday, I will be deleting my facebook account. There are many reasons why, but the biggest one is; God ask me to. It takes up allot of my time, it makes me want to say and think things that are not of Christ and there's allot of DRAMA! There's no really relationships on there and it's all about the number of "friends" you have. So I created a blog instead, this blog will help in many ways. Writing about what's going on with my family, our journey and how God will and is continuing to change us as a family and as an individual. With that all being said, I hope I can stay in touch with family and friends through my blog instead of facebook. And that this blog will bless you as much as I know it will bless me! Blessings and love, Hollie