Face "less" book

So glad that we've gotten off the face"less"book. I really think that this has removed any face time that we as a society have had with each other.
We sit across a room from someone and text each other instead of just talking. I know not everybody does this, but I have, and so do a lot of people.
We put post up on face book that we would never say to the other person. You cannot use body language, over the internet, to dictate whether or not to continue on a discussion or whether what your saying is hurting someone else. You just get to say whatever pleases your little heart and "be damned" to anybody else or their feelings.
I don't think this is how we were designed to be and no matter how hard you try not to be hateful or derogatory, you are (I am) without a doubt, out of touch with the other person on the other side of the discussion. Though sometimes this may feel like relief, it's just plain selfishness and I'm glad we're not indulging in this anymore. Does this mean that I'm not going voice to my thoughts and opinions? NO, but this way if you don't want to see my thoughts, you don't have to look at the blog. Maybe this way we'll find more "like-minded" people to be involved with.

To those of you who we don't agree on issues with and who we're still friends with, THANK YOU!!!! for allowing us to be us and not condemning us for having a different point of view. This is just proof that we can agree to disagree and still love each other and have friendships.



  1. You're so right about this. I am rethinking the way I use FaceBook, the reasons, the activities I participate in. It takes up too much of my time. Time I could be using much more wisely.


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