“We Are All Growing”

Stewardship Lesson #2

Principle #2: “We are all growing” – Matthew 25:21; “His master replied, 'Well done, good & faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come & share your master's happiness!'

In lesson #1, we learned that God owns everything. It is He who has the rights to it. We are stewards & have the responsibility for what He gives us.

Because God is God, & because He chooses the best for us, God uses money & material possessions in this life to teach us. In the above Scripture reference, we can clearly see that God uses money & possessions in three ways:

  1. God uses money & possessions as a tool. It is through the means of money that God often accomplishes His work. It is also through the means of money that God provides for His children. Because this world is material, we have to operate in a material way, & we, therefore, need an amount of money or provisions to survive. Money is used by God as a tool. And when it is used as a tool for His kingdom, it is a blessing. Tools are used for a specific purpose, & their purpose is only their use. The same should be true with money. Money is only a tool for a specific purpose, & the purpose of money is to be used. The purpose of money is not to be hoarded. It is to be used.

  2. God uses money & possessions as a test. In our Bible reference, the story reflects a testing process. Our use of money reflects who we are & what we believe more than anything else. It is a true testing of us. If I spend money on a new car, I am saying I place value on that car. If I spend money on jewels, I am saying I value jewels. And if I spend money on the things of God's kingdom, I am saying I value these things. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” And it is very true. Wherever & whatever I spend money on, I treasure those things.

  3. God uses money & possessions as a testimony. See Philippians 4:11-12. How we spend money, how we invest, how we get along with money & how we get along without money, is a testimony to our relationship with the Lord. Paul learned how to be happy with money & without it. He knew that God was His source, not money. And God clearly used this knowledge as a testimony to you about money. It may have been positive or negative, but their actions said something about you. You are always either influencing someone, or being influenced. What are you, either good or bad, is a testimony to someone as to your relationship with the Lord. And money & possessions is one of the areas which clearly shows, without a word, what your relationship with God is.


  1. How can money be a tool?
  2. How is money a test?
  3. How is money a testimony?
  4. Of these three choices, which do you think God intended money to be?
    List them in priority & explain your choices.


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