“I'm Not The Owner”

We began a new chapter today in our Weaver curriculum & I'm excited about it! The more I seek to draw closer to Him the more He shares. Most times it's extremely difficult because that means changes are coming.

For the next 11 days, we will undergo an intense study about money, stewardship & wars according to Scripture. I will do my best to post for the next 11 days what we learned that day. Included are food for thought & some personal questions. I pray that you benefit from these 11 lessons as well!

It really makes you look at yourself & your relationship with the Lord. Am I truly honoring, praising & glorifying Him or myself?!

My prayer is that as we listen to the Spirit. Allow Him to lead us more closer to Him when dealing with our finances, & that He continue to share His ways through Scripture.

I'm ready Lord, be gentle!

Stewardship Lesson #1

  1. How much money do you have?
  2. Do you have enough?
  3. Will this be enough for you later in life?
  4. How much is enough?
    Principle #1: “I'm not the owner” – Matthew 25:14; Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants & entrusted his property to them.

    God owns everything we have. Indeed, He owns all the earth. It is only by His power & blessing that we awake each day & have the strength to make the money that we have. It is all His. He has given it to us.

    Because God owns it all, He has the right to do whatever He wants, whenever He wants. He owns it & has the right to it. Because God owns it all, but has given it to us, you are only a steward & have only responsibilities. You possess much, but own nothing.

    Because God owns it all, every spending decision is a spiritual decision. You see, as a steward, you are in a relationship with God, a relationship of accountability. And because God is God, whatever you do with His possessions is a spiritual decision. This concept is based upon the concept of covenant. You are in a covenant with a higher power. The terms & conditions of the covenant have been clearly laid out in Scripture. And how you respond in your covenant relationship with God & in the position He has placed you (in this case as a steward), every act is a spiritual decision. This realization alone will affect your spending. It will be the motivating factor in determining how & when you spend the resources God has placed in your care.

    Because God owns it all, you can't fake stewardship. Did you really think you could? Well most of us would answer, “NO.” Then we would try to fake it anyway. The area of money management is one of the most unforgiving areas of living. If you overspend, you pay dearly. There is rarely a great time lapse between our decisions & their rewards or consequences. You can't fake how you handle money. It is reality – cold & stark. If you are a good steward of your money, it will show clearly. If you are not a good steward of your money, this too, will show clearly. You can't fake it with money (at least not for very long), & you can't fake it with stewardship. Remember that God is an all-knowing God. He knows if you are correctly handling what He has given to your control.

  1. How much is enough? 
  2. If God owns it all, what is your position in relationship to what He has given to you? 
  3. If you decide to buy something, is it always a spiritual decision? 
  4. And if it is, does this mean that God doesn't want you to buy something for yourself? 
  5. How does today's lesson change your opinion on money? 
  6. How will it change your action?

I believe that this 11 day study will get my family back on track. About 5 years ago, Rob & I attended the 6 week Dave Ramsey FPU & loved it! We were on fire & ready to be debt-free! That fire has since fizzled out! We've managed with God's guidance & strength to pay everything off on ONE income, except for our house. We make almost 2 extra house payments a year & are prayerful to have it paid off 7 years early. I think this will help get that fire started up again!!!

Blessings & Love,


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