Prayers for Marriage, Parenting & Homeschooling
I came across this today as I was searching for curriculum for the kids next school year. I needed this in a bad way! We've been homeschooling our 2nd oldest for almost a month now & needless to say it's been a challenge! To be honest, I've allowed doubt to enter my mind more than I'd like to admit. God's retraining my mind, body, heart & soul to see the world completely different! How I've seen things done all my life, how I've done things most of my life. It can be very overwhelming at times! And when it is, what better way to release it to HIM then with prayer! I pray this blesses you as well! Feel free to copy and/or print these prayers, if you’d like. ~ I pray, Lord, that You would build my marriage, my family, and my homeschool — and that I would not try to do so on my own. ~ Psalm 127:1 ~ Father, prepare my heart to pour out to You like water for the lives of my children. ~ Lamentations 2:19 ~ I pray that Your ...