
Showing posts from November, 2012

Day 4 through Party Day

Day 4 - Makenzie's Hand Turkey Day 3 - Makayla's Hand Turkey Day 2 - My wonderful child art Thanksgiving packet. Day 1 - My first Birthday dinner when the restaurant sang to me and I cried because I was so embarrassed. This was my Dad's doing. Day 0 - My last Zero bar from the kiddos on Day 0. Party Day - This is the napkin and DVD cover from my most awesome party. Thanks to all who came and to all who couldn't, but either sent a card or who were thinking of me on this special day. A SPECIAL THANKS TO MY MOST AWESOME WIFE FOR ALL THE LOVE, HONORING AND HARD WORK THAT WAS PUT INTO THIS TREMENDOUS EFFORT.  ANOTHER SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH HELPING WITH THESE 40 DAYS TO 40 AND ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE PARTY. I AM TRULY A BLESSED MAN.

Days 5-9

Day 5- Daniel made me a "Hand-Turkey" Day 6 - The kiddos gave me another Zero bar. Day 7 - Daniel made me a frame for a picture of He and I when he was 3. Day 8 - Destanie gave me a fishing bobber to start my vacation. Day 9 - The kiddos gave me another Zero bar. I'm going to end up fatter and fatter with all the Zero bars my kids are giving me.

Days 10 & 11

Day 10 - Kayla and I wearin' "Pimp" hats we found in a gift shop in Padre 2011. Day 11 - A heart Kenzie made for me just for this day.

Days 12-18

Day 12 - A Hacky-Sack from Destanie as a memory of one of my old hobbies. Day 13 - Another Zero bar from my kiddos. Day 14 - A picture of me and Makenzie before our "Daddy/Daughter Date" 2010. Day 15 - I get to put a chocolate shake on Hollie. HeHeHeHe! Day 16 - A bible verse book I made when I was little. Day 17 - My waiter apron from when I worked at Cracker Barrel. Day 18 - This is just too funny. Hollie made me a "Robble Head"!

Day 20 & 19

Day 20 - A Birthday card I made for Destanie when I was in Prison and couldn't be with her. Day 19 - Makayla, Makenzie and Daniel gave me one of my other favorite treats.

Day 22 & 21

Day 22 - Hollie gave me one of my favorite treats the first morning of our "Date Weekend Camping Trip", Beef Jerky. Mmmm Mmmm                                                                                                                                                 ...

Day 24 & 23

Day 24 - Certificate of attendance at B.C.O.C. VBS when I was 9. Day 23 - Hollie made me a DVD, that Destanie recorded, of she and I singing Karaoke of "Reunited" while we're sitting on the couch. It's completely awful. I think that's what makes it so special.