Project Graduation 5K Seniors 2012

For those of you who have not heard of Project Graduation, it is an after graduation all night party held at the school to give our kids one last night together as a class but to do so in a safe but fun environment.  There are all-night games, activities, door prize drawings, meals, etc.  Many high schools across the state of Texas hold these for their graduating seniors, and it is the parents' responsibility to plan and raise money for this endeavor.  Recent Project Graduations cost in the range of $8,000 to $10,000 which included door prizes, food, and cash donations.  

The Project Graduation 5K was a way for the Senior parents and Seniors to raise monies to go toward Project Graduation on May 30th. Plus if you signed up with a group of at least 10, you could get a discount of $2 per person. And all that signed up by the 5th of March received a cool t-shirt by Melanie; the owner of Spear-It Headquarters!

Rob's parents came, our best friends and their children joined our family this morning for the 5K, bright and early at 8am! We had an amazing time and got some exercise too! Thanks for supporting our Senior!!!

Our group of 14, the largest group at the 5K!

We are still excepting donations for the Project Graduation 2012 Seniors until May 30th, 2012. So if you're lead to help out for this great cause, thank you!!! No gift is too small or big! 

You can mail donations to:
AHS Project Graduation 2012
C/O Christy Onderdonck, President
P.O. Box 614
Alvarado, TX 76009

Blessings and Love,


  1. It was a Thompson Rockin good time too! :-) We, of course, love spending time with the bff's!

  2. We have a senior graduating this year too, and having a Project Graduation night. I can't believe my little boy is so grown up :/ Good luck with your fund raisers and congratulations to you and your beautiful girl who is embarking on a whole new chapter in her life :)


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