Stewardship Lesson #10 When discussing buying & living styles, you must always consider the dangers of debt. Is debt a sin? Or is it just not the wisest choice for our lives? Are there times we need to be in debt? Or should you do without necessities to be able to avoid debt? These are all questions that must be answered. The Dangers of Debt Debt is not a sin. The Bible discourages debt, but does not prohibit it. Debt is never the real problem; it is only symptomatic of the real problem – greed, self-indulgence, impatience, fear, poor self-image, lack of self-worth, lack of self-discipline. Debt can be defined in many ways. It is any money owed to anyone for anything. There Are Five Kinds of Debts Credit Card Debt Consumer Debt Mortgage Debt Investment Debt Business Debt Before purchasing an item, & before going in debt for it, there are four questions to ask: Does it make e...