
Showing posts from July, 2013

Over 5 months later....

Don't have a heart attack! I'm back, but not sure how much blogging I will actually get to do in the next year or so. My plan is to blog at least once a week, about the events of our lives & homeschooling. However, as most of you know, our plans don't always work out how we plan them out! Because life is tough, but homeschooling is tougher! Allot has happened in the last several months, where do I beginning?! As most of you know, we began our homeschool journey with child #2 in January. It was a difficult adjustment for all involved, especially her! It took so getting use to, but God pulled us through & we has grown ALLOT since then! Now as well approach the middle of July, I'm preparing myself to homeschool the three youngest. God has opened doors to an amazing curriculum that I can use with all three, just on different grade levels. What I love the most about the Weaver is that it takes the Bible & builds from there.We also purchased Teaching Textbooks...